Raw Tapes out of Tel Aviv are building a superb roster of original musicians with an emphasis on beats. Buttering Trio are that in spades, spanning jazz, downbeat and measures of soul and funk all mixed up with a psychedelic spoon. The album is called 'Jam' as the result of many sessions of playing without any songs to create a live album. Towards the end of the sessions in November 2012, the tensions between Israel and Palestine increased and Palestine started shelling Tel Aviv. Some songs did come out of that period, one of which is 'I Cried For You'. It sounds like vintage 90's trip-hop too me and it's lovely. The whole record is and worth checking out (on Bandcamp), so much that Boiler Room has even hosted a live Buttering Trio session; I've added that after the video if you're interested.
Buttering Trio Boiler Room Tel Aviv Live Show
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